Product design.
Because everyone has different needs.
We design the products your customers want.
It pays to include knowledge about user needs when developing products. At design concern, we have witnessed time and time again that insight into the everyday lives of users yields saleable products – and therefore success for our clients’ businesses. Our knowledge is based on award-winning research and numerous research projects with user involvement. Because users are always at the centre at design concern. They provide the golden nuggets for product development – and they determine how well your products sell.
Get the help you need.
Need new products to create satisfied customers and growth for your company?
For example, we can help with:
- User research and testing
- Idea and concept development
- Design, creation, choice of materials
- Redesigns
- Construction and prototyping
Specialists in product design for users with special needs.
We have been identifying user needs for many years – including for people with special needs. From young parents of toddlers to seniors with impaired vision, back pain, arthritis, or similar groups.
We use our in-depth experience and large knowledge base as inspiration and evidence in our design processes. Our expertise results in products that meet users’ demands for both good ergonomics and beautiful aesthetics.
Shall we create the next success together?
With user-driven design, you create happy customers. At the same time, you are strengthening your company’s brand image and you are creating attention on the market.
Among the many product designs that design concern has created in close collaboration with our clients, you will find numerous award-winning products, solutions, and concepts that are based on science and user research.
Do you want our help creating products that satisfy your customers?
See how we have helped other companies with product design.
Product design creates success.
Are you missing new products that can satisfy customers and grow your business?
We are specialists in thinking strategically and combining functionality and aesthetics in new solutions that give the best possible user experience.
We design and develope products for many sectors. A common thread throughout our projects is our approach: We put people in the center because good user experiences create good business for you as producer and contractor.
We know the users, you know your market. In close dialogue we create products the customers want. Do you want to collaborate?
Product design can do more than look good.
Let there be no doubt: It is important for us that what we design looks amazing– this is simply because we know it helps sell your products better. Equally as impotant is functionality, user friendliness and sustainability in the products.
We believe user friendliness should be a staying parameter in all product development. It is not any more expensive to create a beautiful and user friendly product. It just takes a little bit of forethought. At design concern we don’t pick either functionality or aesthetics. We choose both.