Digital platform ensures knowledge sharing

BaltSe@nior is a collaboration between a number of Scandinavian and Baltic partners working on the development of smart solutions in furniture and interior products for the growing population of elderly people. design concern‘s task was to design and develop a so-called Virtual Library, where knowledge within the field can be easily shared.



Development of unique knowledge sharing platform

User-centred solution

Forum o support rapid communication 

Easier access to knowledge across the sector


“With the BaltSe@nior platform, we have gotten a user-friendly forum where partners from the Baltic countries can share knowledge regarden the development of products for seniors.”

Joan Knudsen, project supervisor

About the project.

Based on knowledge gained from questionnaire surveys conducted among the various target groups, design concern has developed and designed a web-based knowledge platform – BaltSe@nior Virtual Library.

The platform is coded by hand and is ideal for searching and sharing knowledge about seniors as well as the development of products and furniture for this target group.

The BaltSe@nior Virtual Library is aimed at furniture manufacturers, designers, developers, researchers, and companies who are developing furniture that caters to the special needs of seniors. The platform will present knowledge and data from across the Baltic region, but potentially also from elsewhere.

In addition, the Virtual Library includes a forum where users can easily communicate directly with each other.

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