Conference center with updated visual identity

Dalum Konferencecenter is part of Dalum Agricultural School, which was founded back in 1866. Today, exciting course and conference opportunities are offered in green surroundings. Most recently, the website had to be refreshed with an updated design and visual identity, with design concern as design partner.

Dalum konferencecenter case

Dalum Konferencecenter


Enhanced digital communication

Recognisability and differentiation

Easy maintenance of websites

Improved user-experiences


“Many people visit Dalum School of Agriculture every day. We have students not only from all over Denmark, but from all over the world, and we also run a large course and conference business. It is an exciting challenge to reach such a wide audience – and at the same time be relevant to the individual. It takes vision and finesse to find solutions that combine beautiful design and user friendliness with the communication of often large amounts of information. The school’s website is the anchor for all our communications. It is therefore important that the website expresses our values and identity as well as making a good first impression. All this, we think, has been achieved really well thanks to a good partnership with design concern.”

Søren Schovsbo, communications officer

About the project.

Throughout the project, it has been important that the Agricultural School, Academy of Agricultural Business, and Dalum Conference Centre clearly reflect the same core values, but still differentiate themselves from each other. A common overarching design line was developed to ensure recognisability and design DNA across the three school websites.

With a focus on creating an online universe that clearly communicates the different messages and offerings of the three departments, design concern delivered a responsive multisite that provides the different target audiences with the exact information they need.

Work was carried out on typography and colours, structure and layout, and last but not least, user experience. The three-in-one solution is easy for the school to maintain.

In addition, we also established the option for customers to contact us directly regarding the booking of a room, which makes the process easier on both ends. Last but not least, we have also built a new module where visitors have the opportunity to share their experience through a review.

kort over dalum landbrugsskole
kort over dalum landbrugsskole

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