Denmark’s labelling for digital trust.
The D-seal makes it easier for companies to show that they meet the criteria for digital security.
The D-seal is the world’s first labelling program for IT-security and responsible use of data. The program was launched back in September 2021 and 10 Danish companies have already obtained the seal. The labelling program have the purpose of clarifying to customers, which companies fulfil the criteria of responsible use of data. Something that will help create greater trust among consumers and customers, generate greater business value for companies and make Denmark stronger digitally.
The D-seal is a private, independent organization that is supported by the Danish Business Authority. The labelling program was invented and carried out by The Danish Industry Foundation, in collaboration with The Confederation of Danish Industry, The Danish Chamber of Commerce, SMVdanmark and The Danish Consumer Council.
Is the D-seal even relevant for me and my company?
The D-seal is for everybody and not just companies that work with IT-systems and software. An increased focus on digital responsibility has proven to have its advantages, whether it is to obtain the D-seal or just become more digitally responsible.
A study carried out by the Danish Council for Danish Security, the Confederation of Danish Industry, the D-seal, IDA and the Danish ICT Industry Association in collaboration with the Danish Business Authority and with support from the Danish Industry Foundation also shows that an increased focus on digital responsibility and security can benefit especially SME’s. The study shows that 39% of Danish SME’s are of the opinion that their data security level has influenced their company’s competitiveness in a positive way. At the same time, 56% of the SME’s think that their company has been strengthened in relation to them communicating more precisely, how they work with data responsibility.
Criteria and application process for the D-seal.
Criteria for the D-seal.
The 4 groups consist of
- Group I
Small enterprises with 1-9 employees or a one-man business with a smaller turnover. - Group II
Smaller enterprises with 10-49 employees and a two- or three-digit million turnover. - Group III
Medium-sized enterprises with 50-249 employees and a three-digit million turnover. - Group IV
Large enterprises with +250 employees and a three-digit million turnover.
The group that your company will be assigned to also depends on what services or products your company works with.
The 8 criteria, which your company might be assigned are
- Management and anchoring in the board of directors
- Awareness and responsible behavior
- Technical IT-security
- Requirements to the supplier’s IT-security and responsible use of data
- Transparency and control of data
- Privacy and security by design and default
- Reliable algorithms and AI
- Data ethics
Read more about the groups and criteria on the D-seal’s official website.
Application process.
- Request
Your company requests to be registered.
- Classification and criteria
Your company is assigned to a group and will receive a set of criteria based on the assigned group.
- Self-evaluation
Your company carries out a self-evaluation by answering questions about the criteria and requirements that you received in step 2.
- Application and payment
When you have answered all the questions with a “yes”, you can apply for the D-seal. You will be charged upon sending your application.
- Monitoring and checking
In the monitoring and checking process you will need to upload documentation, which shows that your company fulfil the criteria and the requirements that you were assigned.
- Granting of the D-seal
If the documentation that you have provided is approved, you and your company will be granted the D-seal.
Step 1-3 are free, and you will not be charged until you have fulfilled step 4. The price depends on the group, which you were assigned to and ranges between 2.800 – 52.250 DKK.
If you wish to become more responsible in your use of data but does intent to obtain the D-seal just yet, you can use step 1-3 as a help to achieve this.
The D-seal applies for one year and can be renewed by completing step 1-6 again. Read more about the application process and prices.
Apply for funding for your next digital project through SMV:Digital.
As a SME you have the opportunity to apply for co-financing for your next digital project through SMV:Digital. The funds for 2022 are open right now and the grants range between 25.000 – 250.000 DKK. The grants give you an opportunity to finance a number of different actions in the digital field, including counseling related to digital security and responsible use of data. Read more about SMV:Digital here or call design concern on +45 86 76 10 22 and get advice on the funds.